Frequently Asked Questions
What should I wear?
Tight athletic clothing that covers the back of your knees and underarms. Footless or stirrup tights with a leotard can also be a good option.
Do I have to be flexible to do aerial?
Absolutely not! There will eventually be some tricks that it may help, but there are always modifications that can be made. We will also work on some stretching at the start of class to warm up.
What if I am not very strong?
You will develop the muscles you need by taking classes. The longer you stick with it, the stronger you will become.
Are there any age restrictions?
I do not have an official age for kids to start, but they MUST be able to listen, follow direction, and not be a distraction, which generally happens around age 8. Adults of any age are always welcome!
What are open aerial times for?
Open aerial is a time to practice skills you have already learned. This is not lead by an instructor, but there will be someone there to supervise. You must be currently enrolled in a class or receive special permission from the instructor ahead of time.
Can I take photos/videos?
As long as you are respectful of other’s privacy you are welcome to film anytime during open aerial. There should be time at the end of class for you to record things for your own personal use as long as the instructor gives permission
What training can I do outside of class to help?
Aerial is a very unique activity that can be hard to duplicate outside of class. But, there is some crossover in rock climbing, dance, gymnastics, yoga, and weightlifting that can be beneficial.
What if class is cancelled due to weather?
We follow the D93 cancellation protocol, so if school/activities are cancelled we will do the same. If this happens, you have the opportunity to have a make-up time during open aerial anytime within that trimester.
What is the Student Showcase?
This is an opportunity for you to show friends and family what you have been working on. It will take place on the first Saturday in June. This is not required and there is an additional fee for participating. There are options to perform with your class or have a solo/small group